Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlknur Selvi Gümüş
About Me
When I witnessed a birth for the first time while I was an intern doctor in the gynecology and obstetrics department at Ankara Medical School in 2002, I was very impressed by this miracle and decided to become an obstetrician and gynecologist that day. I had to accompany women at this difficult but miraculous moment and help them meet their babies they had been waiting for months.
I won the gynecology and obstetrics specialization, which was very difficult to win at the time, in the medical specialization exam. I worked with great pleasure despite all the difficulties both in my assistantship and in my specialization. Then life brought me the in vitro fertilization training program. Thanks to this training, I had the opportunity to learn more deeply about the reproductive medicine and endocrine issues that I had been very interested in during my specialization.
Since 2013, I have been working to give hope to patients who want to have children by performing infertility and in vitro fertilization treatments in addition to pregnancy, birth follow-up and gynecology. I follow academic publications and apply the latest and most individualized treatments based on scientific foundations.
I follow my patients closely and evaluate even the smallest detail that could negatively affect the outcome and work to achieve positive results. During treatment, I remind my patients to realize that the soul and body are a whole, the importance of internal motivation, and to think positively. May our families grow up healthy, may the expected babies come to us healthy without making us wait... With the hope of witnessing many more miracles, working for new lives, and giving news of pregnancies...
Hello. I am Ilknur Selvi Gümüş. I was born in Elazığ in 1980. I started my education at Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1998, and that same year, I was awarded the "Honor Prize" by the faculty.
In 2004, I graduated from the faculty and began my specialization in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine. I became a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2010.
Between 2010 and 2013, I completed my compulsory service at Elazığ Training and Research Hospital. From July 2013 to January 2014, I participated in the Assisted Reproductive Technologies Certification Program at HRS Women’s Hospital and earned my certification.
Between March 2014 and November 2020, I worked as the Head Doctor and Responsible Manager of the IVF Unit at NovaArt IVF Center. From December 2020 to March 2024, I worked as an Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Private Koru Ankara Hospital. Since April 2024, I have continued to provide services in my own clinic in the fields of gynecology, obstetrics, IVF treatments, and genital aesthetics.
Fields of Interest
I am here to provide preliminary information on infertility and IVF treatments, and to answer any questions you might have regarding these treatments, pregnancy follow-up, and delivery processes. I am just a phone call away.
Memberships in Scientific Organizations
- Turkish Society of Reproductive Health and Infertility
- Turkish Society of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery
- European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
- Turkish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics
- Society of Gynecological Endoscopy
- Society of Gynecological Surgery
- Ankara Medical Chamber
My Certificates
A. Articles published in internationally refereed journals:
- İ.Selvi, E. Demirdag, F.Cevher, A.Erdem, M.Erdem, Dual trigger with the combination of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist and standard dose of human chorionic gonadotropin improves in vitro fertilisation outcomes in poor ovarian responders. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2022 Jul;42(5):1239-1244. doi: 10.1080/01443615.2021.1945560.
- E.Demirdag, İ.Güler, İ.Selvi, F.Cevher, S.Canan, A. Erdem, M.Erdem (2021) Analysis of 2438 cycles for the impact of endometrioma and its surgery on the ivf outcomes. European Journal of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive biology, 263(8),233-238., doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2021.06.034
- İ.Selvi, M. Erdem, E.Demirdag, F.cevher (2021). Comparison of frozen-thawed embryo transfer protocols in patients with previous cycle cancellation due to uterine peristalsis: a pilot study. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 51(3),1365-1372., doi: 10.3906/sag-2012-149
- İ.Selvi, M.Erdem, A.Erdem (2019) The impact of the modified speculum application technique on the success rates of intrauterine insemination: a randomized controlled study. Taiwanese journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 58(3),370-374., doi: 10.1016/j.tjog.2018.11.037
- O.Karaçin, İ.Selvi, M.köse, F. Çelik, M. Pektaş, M.yılmazer (2018). Serum vitamin d concentrations in young turkish women with primary dysmenorrhea: a randomized controlled study. Taiwanese journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 57(1),58-63., doi: 10.1016/j.tjog.2017.12.009
- F.Mutlu, İ.Selvi, M.Erdem, İ.Güler, A.Erdem (2017).Comparison of the standard gnrh antagonist protocol and the luteal phase estradiol/gnrh antagonist priming protocol in poor ovarian responders. Turkish journal of medical sciences, 47(2),470-475., doi: 10.3906/sag-1602-111
- F.Mutlu, K. Aslan, İ.Güler, İ.Selvi, M.Erdem, N.Bozkurt, A.Erdem (2017). Two cases of first onset intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy associated with moderate ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome after ivf treatment and review of the literature. Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology, 37(5),547-549., doi: 10.1080/01443615.2017.1286302
- F.Mutlu , M.Erdem, İ.Selvi, B.Bulut, A.Erdem(2017). Elevated basal progesterone levels are associated with increased preovulatory progesterone rise but not with higher pregnancy rates in icsi cycles with gnrh antagonists. European journal of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive biology, 216(9),46-50., doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2017.06.044
- T.Çakir, B.Göktas, F.Mutlu, İ.Selvi, A. Bilgihan, M.Erdem, A.Erdem (2016). Advanced oxidation protein products and malondialdehyde – the new biological markers of oxidative stress - are elevated in postmenopausal women. Ginekologia polska, 87(5),321-325., doi: 10.5603/gp.2016.0001
- B.Bozkurt, M.Erdem, F.Mutlu, A.Erdem, İ.Güler, İ.Selvi, M.Öktem (2016). Comparison of age-related changes in anti-müllerian hormone levels and other ovarian reserve tests between healthy fertile and infertile population. Human fertility, 19(3),192-198., doi: 10.1080/14647273.2016.1217431
- F.Mutlu, M. Erdem, A. Erdem, İ.Selvi, İ. Güler, E. Demirdag(2016). The impact of premature progesterone rise on the outcome of intrauterine insemination cycles with controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in unexplained infertility. european journal of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive biology, 203(9),44-48., doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2016.05.013
- M. Erdem, S.Abay, A.Erdem, F. Mutlu, E.Nas, İ.Selvi, M.Öktem (2015). Recombinant fsh increases live birth rates as compared to clomiphene citrate in intrauterine insemination cycles in couples with subfertility a prospective randomized study. European journal of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive biology, 189(6),33-37., doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2015.03.023
- F.Mutlu, M. Erdem, A.Erdem, Ş.Yıldız, İ.Selvi, Ö. Arısoy, M. Öktem (2013). Antral follicle count determines poor ovarian response better than anti müllerian hormone but age is the only predictor for live birth in in vitro fertilization cycles. Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics, 30(5),657-665., doi:10.1007/s10815-013-99753
- İ.Selvi, F.Mutlu, A.Biri, B.Bulut, M.Erdem, A.Erdem (2015). Effects of anticoagulant therapy on pregnancy outcomes in patients with thrombophilia and previous poor obstetric history. Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis, 26(3),267-273., doi: 10.1097/mbc.0000000000000219
- İ.Selvi, A.Erdem, F.Mutlu (2013). Can uterine artery Doppler parameters predict copper intrauterine device induced side effects . The European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 19(1),51-56., doi: 10.3109/13625187.2013.856405
B. Articles published in national refereed journals:
- İ.Selvi, F.Cevher, A. Biri (2021). A Retrospective Analysis of Clinical Features, Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes of COVID-19 patients in an Obstetric Clinic in Ankara, Turkey. Journal of Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology, 31(2),72-76., Doi: 10.5336/jcog.2021-82263
- İ.Selvi, F. Mutlu, A.Erdem (2017). Tekrarlayan implantasyon basarısızlıklarında güncel durum. Türkiye klinikleri journal of gynecology and obstetrics, 27(3),150-161., doi: 10.5336/gynobstet.2015-47181
- İ.Selvi, F.Mutlu, İ. Güler, A.Erdem, M.Erdem (2015). Rahim içi aracın spontan olarak kırılması ve kolunun vajinal olarak atılıması olgu sunumu. Journal of clinical and analytical medicine, 6(157),880-882., doi: 10.4328/jcam.3928
- M.Kiseli, A.Gürsoy, E.Pabuçcu, G. Çağlar, B.Yılmaz, İ.Selvi (2015). İleri yasta dehidroepiandrosteron ile spontan gebelik uc olgu sunumu ve literatur derlemesi. Gazi medical journal, 26(3),128-129., doi:10.12996/gmj.2015.40
- İ. Selvi, F. Mutlu, A. Erdem, B.Bulut, M.Erdem (2015). Sezaryen skar gebeliginin tek doz lokal metotreksat uygulamasi ile tedavisi olgu sunumu. Gazi medical journal, 26(3),119-120., doi: 10.12996/gmj.2015.37
- F.Mutlu, İ.Selvi, T.Efetürk (2013). Ovaryan rezerv testi Anti Mülleryan Hormon. Zeynep kamil tıp bülteni, 44(1),11-14.
- İ.Selvi, F.Mutlu, A. Demir, T. Efetürk, M.Kiseli(2013). Klinigimiz 2009 2012 yillari arasinda saptanan sezaryen oranlari sezaryen oranlarindaki artis kacinilmaz mi . Gazi medical journal, 24(2),40-43., doi: 10.12996/gmj.2013.11
B. Papers presented at national/international scientific meetings and published in proceedings:
- İ.Selvi, The effect of adjusting the onset of luteal support on cycle outcomes in patients with premature progesterone elevation , (2020) 1. Uluslararası kktc jinekoloji ve obstetric kongresi, 32,
- İ.Selvi Fresh veya dondurulmus tek blast transferi sonrası elde edilen gebeliklerde serum insan koryonik gonadotropin (β-hcg) seviyelerinin gebelik sonuçlarını predikte etmedeki degeri , (2020) 3. Karadeniz jinekoloji ve obstetrik kongresi, 29
- İ.Selvi Tekrarlayan implantasyon basarısızlıgı olan hastalarda intravenöz intralipid kullanımının gebelik sonuçlarına etkisi, (2020) Türkiye üreme saglıgı ve infertilite dernegi-online-2 kongresi, 26-27.
- İ.Selvi İleri kadın yasının infertilite tedavi sonuçlarına etkisi (2020) Haliç üniversitesi 1. ulusal kadın saglıgı günleri, 116
- İ.Selvi Embriyo transferi sırasında sert ya da yumusak embriyo transfer katateri kullanımının gebelik sonuçları üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi, (2019) İnternational Hippocrates congress on medical and health sciences, 576
- F.Mutlu, M.Erdem, A.Erdem, İ.Selvi,İ.Güler, M. kurdoğlu The impact of dual trigger in gonadotropin releasing hormon antagonist cycles for final maturation on ivf outcomes in comparision with standard human chorionic gonadotropin trigger , (2016) International society of gynecological endocrinology 17th world congress, 124
- F.Mutlu, A.Erdem, M.Erdem, İ.Selvi,İ.Güler, The impact of chronic endometritis on ivf outcomes in patients with previous ivf failure history (2016) International society of gynecological endocrinology 17th world congress, 124-125.
- A.Erdem, F.Mutlu, M.Erdem, İ.Selvi, In poor responders usage of dual trigger in gonadotropin releasing hormone antagonist cycles for final oocyte maturation have no effect on ivf outcomes in comparision with standard human chorionic gonadotropin trigger (2015) 7th world congress of ovulation induction
- A.Biri, Ü.Korucuoğlu, İ.Selvi, Ö. Himmetoğlu Amniyotik tabaka sheet klinik anlamı ve perinatal sonuçları, (2008) 6. Türkiye ulusal jinekoloji ve obstetrik dernegi, 9-10
- E.Yılmaz, F. Mutlu, S. Tunç, E.Demir, İ.Selvi, S.Abay, B.Celtemen, A.Yücetürk, B.Tıraş, Fetal akrania olgu sunumu (2007) Türkiye ulusal jinekoloj ve obstetri dernegi ulusal egitim sempozyumu, 261
C. National/International books or book chapters:
- İ.Selvi Academic studies in health sciences - ii, bölüm adı:(recurrent implantation failure) (2020),Gece kitapligi, editör: Cem Evereklioglu, basım sayısı:1, sayfa sayısı 499, isbn:978- 625-7884-59-4, ingilizce(bilimsel kitap)
- İ.Selvi Current obstetrik ve jinekoloji tanı ve tedavi, bölüm adı:(gebelikte gastrointestinal hastalıklar) (2016),Günes tıp kitabevleri, editör: B.Tıraş, C.Demir basım sayısı:11, sayfa sayısı 979, isbn:978-975-277-550-3, türkçe(kitap tercümesi)
- T.Nas, İ.Selvi Vademecum reprodüktif endokrinoloji ve infertilite , bölüm adı:(premenstrüel sendrom) (2016). veri medikal yayıncılık, editör: R.Gürsoy, L.Delilbası, basım sayısı:1, sayfa sayısı 217, isbn:978-605-4089-25-3, türkçe(kitap tercümesi)
- İ.Selvi Current obstetrik ve jinekoloji tanı ve tedavi, bölüm adı:(gebelikte renal ve üriner hastalıklar) (2016) günes tıp kitabevleri, editör: B.Tıraş, C.Demir, basım sayısı:11, sayfa sayısı 979, isbn:978-975-277-550-3, türkçe(kitap tercümesi)
D. Certificates
- Jinekolojik endoskopi sertifikası, jinekolojik endoskopi egitimi, Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Dogum Anabilim Dalı, sertifika, 01.03.2010 (ulusal)
- Obstetrik ve Jinekolojik Ultrasonografi Sertifikasi, Obstetrik ve Jinekolojik Ultrasonografi Egitimi, Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Dogum Anabilim Dalı, sertifika, 01.03.2010 (ulusal)
- Kolposkopi Sertifikası, Kolposkopi Egitimi, Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Dogum Anabilim Dalı, sertifika, 01.03.2010 (ulusal)
E. Courses
- Temel biyoistatistik kursu, egitim sertifikası, ankara, kurs, 09.06.2014 -13.06.2014 (ulusal)
- Üremeye yardimci tedavi yöntemleri egitim (üyte) sertifikasi, HRS kadın hastanesi, kurs, 01.07.2013 -31.12.2013 (ulusal)
- Neonatal resusitasyon kursu, egitim sertifikası, Elazıg, kurs, 19.10.2010 -21.10.2010 (ulusal)
- Fetal ekokardiyografi kursu, egitim sertifikası, antalya, kurs, 29.10.2008 -02.11.2008 (ulusal)
- Cinsel saglık enstitüsü dernegi, vajinismus workshopu, ankara, çalıstay, 01.12.2018 -02.12.2018
- Fertilte koruyucu yaklasımlar jinekolojik endoskopi workshop 2013, çalıstay, 02.11.2013 -02.11.2013 (ulusal)