How Long Does IVF Treatment Take?

What is IVF Treatment?
IVF treatment involves the fertilization of eggs collected from the mother-to-be with sperm from her partner in a laboratory setting. The embryos formed through this process are then transferred to the uterus at the appropriate time.
How long does IVF treatment take?
The IVF treatment typically takes an average of 12 days up until the egg retrieval process. Depending on the patient’s ovarian response and the dosage of medications used, this period can range from 10 to 15 days. After the egg retrieval, if a fresh transfer is planned, an additional 3 to 5 days of waiting is required, depending on the condition of the embryo.
What are the stages of IVF treatment?
The first stage of IVF treatment involves stimulating the woman’s eggs using injections and medications. The growth of the follicles that contain the eggs is monitored regularly, and blood tests are performed. When at least 3 follicles reach a diameter of 17 mm or more, a trigger shot is administered to induce ovulation, and the eggs are collected 34-36 hours later through a needle guided by transvaginal ultrasound under anesthesia.
On the same day, the collected eggs are fertilized with sperm from the partner using a method called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). If the blood test results and the thickness of the uterine lining are suitable, and there is no risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS),a fresh embryo transfer is performed in the same cycle. If conditions are not optimal, the embryos are frozen and stored for future use.
How long does the IVF transfer process take?
After the egg retrieval, if a fresh transfer is planned, the waiting period for embryo transfer is 3 to 5 days depending on the condition of the embryo. From the start of the treatment to the transfer process, the IVF treatment can take approximately 15-20 days.
How long does a patient need to rest during IVF treatment?
Studies have shown that bed rest after embryo transfer does not increase the chances of pregnancy in IVF treatment. After the embryo transfer, the patient can continue with daily activities. However, strenuous exercise and heavy lifting are not recommended.